
We work with homeowners, business owners, forest service, and other tribal and governmental entities


Firewise and Forest Restoration

Wildfires are an increasing threat to homes. Studies show that 80% of homes lost to wildland fire may have been saved if a cleared and defensible space had been created around the home. We can help preserve your property from wildfires by providing eco-friendly methods of thinning and clearing trees and brush. Our advanced clearing technique turns trees, brush, and even burn piles into eco-friendly mulch which increases soil moisture and prevents erosion creating healthy land.

If you are a non-industrial forestland owner who needs help managing your land for optimal forest health or would like matching funds to reduce catastrophic wildfire risk or to improve forest health, there is financial assistance available. Cost-share opportunities exist for Central and Eastern Washington non-federal owners of fewer than 5,000 acres.

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service offers an Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) that provides technical and financial assistance to help farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners improve soil health, reduce soil erosion, improve wildlife habitat, and mitigate fire and drought. 

Land Clearing & Forestry Mulching

If you need to clear land, Cooper Creek Forestry can do it quickly and efficiently. We can clear your small lot or large land parcel without the need to haul away debris or burn brush piles saving you time and money. Our eco-friendly mulching is the answer to your land clearing needs. Our CAT Land Management Compact Track Loader and FAE super mulcher makes quick work of trees up to 12” in diameter. It shreds trees and vegetation including stumps, logs, and even blackberry bushes. We clear land to provide solutions for you.

Fence lines and Right-of-Way

We clear trees and brush with ease to provide a clear swath of land that makes the task of building a fence, powerline, roadway, or driveway more quickly and easily.

Agricultural Use

Put your land to use for pasture, ranch, or agricultural use. We clear trees and undergrowth with our signature super mulcher to provide space for your venture. The fine mulch remains on the ground, creating nutrient-rich soil for growing crops.

Prepare for Commercial or Residential Development

We super mulch trees and brush to prepare your small lot or large partial so it’s ready for building.

Beautification of Property or Expanded Use of Property

Create a clearing for an expanded view, thin trees, or clear land for more usable property with our fast, environmentally friendly mulching process.


Commercial and Government Services

Orchard & Vineyard Maintenance and Restoration

We can clear land to prepare vineyards for planting. The compactness of our equipment is ideal for working in narrow rows to help restore orchards and vineyards as well as clear wood debris from orchard and vineyard rows after pruning.

Highway and Railway Vegetation Maintenance

Road departments and railway companies often need assistance to maintain vegetation to keep the adjacent area safe and functional. We can clear trees, shrubs, brush, and stumps with no debris left behind.

Park Maintenance & Wildlife Habitat Protection

The power and versatility of our equipment can easily clear trees and brush to restore park facilities and maintain wildlife terrain and hunting areas.

Other Commercial Services Available:

• Right-of-Way Clearing

• Cleanup After Logging

• Clear Logged Land

• Fire Breaks & Fire Mitigation

Benefits of Forestry Mulching

Fire prevention

No permits needed

Increases land value

Eco-Friendly to protect against erosion

Mulch enriches soil with nitrogen-rich nutrients

Expands usable property area

Leaves no debris, brush piles, or holes from trees, just valuable and attractive mulch

Less expensive

Enhances the look and health of property

professional land clearing services

Free Quote

Give us a call or shoot us a message, we want to chat with you about your land clearing needs. We will assess your project, no matter how large or small, and provide you with a free, comprehensive quote.

1027 Four Mile Road, Weippe, ID, 83553 / (208) 413-8227 / License & Bonded in Washington & Idaho COOPECF783P5

Serving Washington, Idaho and Oregon


Adams County
Asotin County
Columbia County
Franklin County
Garfield County
Walla Walla County
Whitman County


Benewah County
Clearwater County
Idaho County
Kootenai County
Latah County
Lewis County
Nez Perce County


Umatilla County
Union County
Wallowa County

©Cooper Creek Forestry Management & Excavation / Site by Unleashed Marketing + Design